Made with love
from all the children at
Shepherd of the Hills Preschool

School Calendar
About our Preschool
Shepherd of the Hills preschool was founded in the fall of 1985. When we first opened we had one 3 Year-Old and one 4 Year-Old class which gave us a total of 46 children. Both classes had a M-W-F and a T-Th component.
In September of 1986, we added a second 3 year-old classroom, bringing our total number of students to 72. In September 1990, we added an Afternoon 4 Year-Old Program which ran M-T-Th afternoon which brought our total number of students to 87.
In 1992, we added an Afternoon Extended Program which ran until 2:00pm. And, in 1996 the now famous Cherubs Program was put in place, extending our hours from 7:30am to 5:30pm.
In 1996 we expanded our hours even more from 7:30 am to 5:30 pm, offering full time care. We did end up closing this program at the end of 2003 due to lack of enrollment, but we were able to add a second MWF pre-k program in September 2004.
2011, the year of our 25th anniversary brought about another exciting change. In place of our 2 nd MWF class we started a 5 day pre-k class to accommodate the growing needs in our community.
2024 will bring another change to our preschool. We will be closing the TTH Pre-k Class, due to the school districts free TK program and we will add another 3 year old TTH class to our program.
The 5-day Pre-K runs Monday-Friday 8:30 -11:30 am. In addition, we offer the MWF Pre-k class, 2 MWF & 3 TTH 3 year old classes and they all run 8:30 -11:30 am. Our Cherubs Program continues to thrive and can extend your child’s day 11:30 am -2:00 pm. The total number of students we have today is 80.
There have been many changes through the years. One aspect of the program that hasn't changed and will remain a constant is that we offer a loving, caring, nurturing, Christian environment in which your child can learn.
Every Wednesday and Thursday, we have Chapel at 11:15am in the sanctuary. The children look forward to this day because Pastor Dave tells them a Bible Story and Mr. Chris (Church Music Director), teaches the children a couple of songs. Parents are strongly encouraged and welcomed to join us for our chapel experience .